Break the Plateau: Bodybuilding Tips from Jim Stoppani

05/02/2015 11:53

If you've ever hit a workout plateau, you know exactly how frustrating it can be. You might have conditioned yourself to expecting phenomenal bodybuilding gains every time you went into the gym, often times adding 2-5 lbs or more on to every exercise.

But eventually those types of gains come grinding to a halt. You'll often find this is the case when you are doing the same exercise routines over and over again, and lifting the same weights the same time during every workout session. If there is one thing your muscles hate that prevents your bodybuilding goals from being achieved, it's routine. Muscles crave spontaneity. Every workout needs to add variety. Every set needs to go 110% farther than the time you went before. Jim Stoppani has been a tireless advocate of changing up your workout routine, and offers many helpful tips to break any plateau and take your bodybuilding goals to the next level.

Here’s just a few:

1. Workout with a variety of training programs:
Jim Stoppani has written numerous guides and workout routines for professional bodybuilding and the amateur enthusiast alike. Don't just do "Back and Bis" one day followed up by "Chest and Tris". It's important to micro-target every muscle group during your workouts.
Instead try a program like "Six Weeks to Sick Arms" to really nail your biceps, triceps, and forearms, and follow up with another program targeting your chest. By planning your routines a few weeks out, you can add greater intensity to the muscles you are focusing on to break any training plateaus you have in your workout.

2. Add variation to every exercise:
I've picked up a number of tips and techniques from Jim Stoppani that really focuses on reaching muscle failure during every set. One of them is focusing on negative reps. When I'm blasting my biceps I don't just stick with the same 8-12 routine. Instead, when I reach muscle failure I'll have my spotter assist the weights up and slowly s-t-r-e-t-c-h the weight back to the starting position.

By focusing on the negative rep after reaching muscle failure, you can be assured you were pushing your muscle beyond 100% during your workout. This triggers the muscle building stimuli you'll need to continue to make gains beyond a training plateau.

3. Add Supplements to your workout routines:
Supplement research for bodybuilding has come a long way from simply mixing some whey protein and sprinkling in some creatine. One of the reasons you might be hitting a training plateau is that your muscle fibers are simply craving energy and can no longer push beyond those 1 or 2 sets extra each workout. A good pre workout bodybuilding supplement can make the difference between sluggishly being stuck on the same weight during each exercise versus consistently adding a few pounds more every week. Your training progress should be able to show constant improvement if your muscles are being fed the right blend of nutrients.

4. Eat a proper diet:
Maybe when you were 16 you were able to constantly stuff your face with junk food while still staying in perfect shape. But those days are long are over once you hit your 20s and your body is craving the right amount of macro nutrients in every meal. Experienced bodybuilding enthusiasts know that regardless of how much you work out, you're not going to see any gains unless you're eating right. Jim Stoppani bodybuilding has loads of research and scientific tips on the kinds of foods you need to be eating to consistently show results.

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